Make your copies count

The Schools Printed Music Licence is your licence to copy and arrange sheet music in school.

It means you can photocopy sheet music for your classes, ensembles, choirs, bands and individual lessons.

All you need to do is log your data and enter it on the portal.



Ready to submit?

Take me to the portal

Not quite ready? Learn more 👇

Your Licence: How it works

The Schools Printed Music Licence has been developed by Printed Music Licensing Ltd (PMLL) who represent print and music publishers.

Entering your data helps improve the royalty distribution system.

Making your copies count is easy. Simply copy, enter and play!

Want to know more? Understand the licence and learn how to stop your data getting binned.


Find out more


Go to the portal

What’s in it for me?

By submitting your sheet music data on the PMLL portal, you: